From CNN Entertainment Online, here’s a book-related story you won’t want to miss:
“When adults review children’s books, they often focus on the simplicity of the language. Or the beauty of the artwork. Or the appropriateness of the subject matter.
A child might be excited by something else — say, the hygiene habits of a grape. Or the ability of a story about a squirrel and a shark to conform to real life.
And sometimes, to borrow from Art Linkletter, kids say the darndest things.
With that in mind, asked 6-year-old Andrew Oglesby, son of staffer Christy Oglesby, for his take on a handful of recently published children’s books. Here are Master Oglesby’s edited comments.“
What a riot!
Very, very funny! Thanks for the laugh!
I think he was a very wise 6 yo too. He really seemed to notice a lot of details.
Re: What a riot!
I agree with all you’ve said. Think he may have had some coaching from his writer mom?
Stunning. Don’t I wish I could get a cross-section of high schoolers to read some currently released YA books and give their takes on them. That would be insightful, as this was.
Ooooh, that’d be great! You could write it up as an article, Jonathan. Do it! Do it now! 🙂
Sometimes the simple things are what teach us the most.
That’s wonderful! Thanks for sharing.
Glad you enjoyed it. I loved his honesty and appreciated the humor, too. 🙂
Tahnks for sharing! I loved reading about his reactions to the books!
‘Welcome! I enjoyed them, too, and thought you children’s book authors would find them especially enjoyable/amusing/insightful — and CUTE!
Re: After they eat one bite they poop?!?
Ubetcha. I thought it’d be great for a beginning-the-weekend smile.
I thought it was so, so cute — and hilarious. Kids are such honest critics, aren’t they? We writers should use ’em in focus groups. LOL
Great idea! Someone should totally blog about it (ahem). 🙂
haha! Now you’ve got me laughing. Yes, a bill. That’s the ticket. LOL.