Laughing all the way

 Ho! Ho! Ho! I’ve been tagged to play the latest meme. Thanks, de_scribes and marypearson!

The Challenge: Quick! Name the last five things that made you smile.

1. Christmas-colored camellia blossoms, nestled among rainwater-glazed foliage

2. Shimmery green hummingbirds that sip at my feeder

3. Pages and pages of intelligent, poignant, hilarious, thought-provoking, action-oriented and faith-inspiring blogs; plus the to-be-read pile that’s toppling off my desk

4. Holiday lights. They illuminate our heirlooms and reflect hope for our tomorrows

5. This holiday song on YouTube (12 Days of Christmas, as performed by Straight No Chaser). In the beginning, a choir of beautiful voices rises and falls in a capella accord.  But their harmony and synchronicity dissolve into individual mischief and collective mayhem. ‘Tis the season’tis my life and loved oneswrapped in metaphoric ribbons. I love every part of it. And I love each of you.

Game Tags: I hope everyone joins our reindeer game. C’mon, show us your smiles!


funny pictures

moar funny pictures 

Oh noez, Zoe! Resist the kitchen poltergeist, sweet kitteh! 

1) It’s been a long while since I’ve posted a progress report on our kitchen, but that’s because, well, momentum seems to occur in smaller increments than mistakes. But the margin for error narrows with each task completed, so I’m starting to believe we’re close to the finish line.  Maybe around April Fool’s Day. After eight months of screw-ups and countless screw-offs, that date seems just about perfect. On the bright side, my fiished kitchen’s going to be beautiful! We’ll invite you to its christening, for sure!

2) Thank you for the lovely sentiments you wrote about our baby hummingbird, Tama. Incredible, isn’t it, how that tiny creature nested in so many people’s hearts? 

3) The Easter bunny delivered a special treat for us writers, via the Los Angeles Times. Behold, a novel-writing contest, in chapter-by-chapter installments! Winners will be featured at the Festival of Books in April. I’m not entering the contest, but I’d love to see you there!

4) This week, I plan to finish my revisions and send them to the agents who’ve requested them. I’m also going to start a fresh round of queries. I’m excited about the possibilities! I can’t thank you enough for bolstering my spirits last week, and I appreciate so much the good vibes you’ve sent out for WITNESS.

Have a great week, everyone!

Flight Plans

I’m flying out tomorrow morning on a research expedition, so these are the last baby hummingbird pictures I’ll post until I get back from my trip.


I know it sounds trite to say, “My, haven’t they grown!” But the truth is, they seem to have filled out (and filled the nest) overnight. And look at those iridescent green feathers! 

Shh, don’t tell them I said this, but I’m thinking they’re a little behind the growth curve for
baby hummers their age. Still, for the first time since they hatched sixteen days ago, you can almost picture what they’ll look like when they’re full-grown.

My husband promised he’ll take pictures while I’m away. I hope he gets some good shots; if so, I’ll share them when I get back.* Since they’ll most likely be full-fledged fledglings by the 22nd day, I imagine they’ll be taking flight lessons in a few days. As the expert from the Hummingbird Rescue Society suggested,** I’ve put a soft blanket at the base of the tree to cushion potential falls. It’s the least I can do, because, as [info]britlitfantwin says, “they’re a flight risk right now.”

See you on Thursday. If something exciting and/or important happens in the meantime, please leave me a note…You know I’m always hungry for good news!


*If you’re on my f-list and you want a digital copy of a hummingbird photo, just drop me an email with a description and the date I originally posted it. 

**By the way, the expert thinks they’re part of the Costa’s Hummingbird species

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