Laughing all the way

 Ho! Ho! Ho! I’ve been tagged to play the latest meme. Thanks, de_scribes and marypearson!

The Challenge: Quick! Name the last five things that made you smile.

1. Christmas-colored camellia blossoms, nestled among rainwater-glazed foliage

2. Shimmery green hummingbirds that sip at my feeder

3. Pages and pages of intelligent, poignant, hilarious, thought-provoking, action-oriented and faith-inspiring blogs; plus the to-be-read pile that’s toppling off my desk

4. Holiday lights. They illuminate our heirlooms and reflect hope for our tomorrows

5. This holiday song on YouTube (12 Days of Christmas, as performed by Straight No Chaser). In the beginning, a choir of beautiful voices rises and falls in a capella accord.  But their harmony and synchronicity dissolve into individual mischief and collective mayhem. ‘Tis the season’tis my life and loved oneswrapped in metaphoric ribbons. I love every part of it. And I love each of you.

Game Tags: I hope everyone joins our reindeer game. C’mon, show us your smiles!


1) Last Sunday, I meandered toward the gym entrance at the same time a twenty-something man was leaving. As he exited one door, I swished through the other, absent-mindedly adjusting the volume on my MP3. But when I glanced over at him, two tattoos body-slammed my reverie to the floor. In enormous gothic lettering, he’d tatted “INFIDEL” down the outside of his calf, and a knee-to-ankle cross covered the back of his leg. What possessed him, I wondered.

2) After 35 minutes of aerobic hell Precor intervals, I picked up the newest calendar of class offerings. A double-dog-dare-ya leapt off the page: Strip Tease (for women only). I think I’m going to embarrass myself try it on for size.

3) I won a signed copy of Tracie Zimmer’s 42 MILES! Tracie asked entrants to “Email a picture within 42 Miles of your current location which makes me want to visit…” I submitted a picture of one of my favorite picnic spots in Corona del Mar (next to Newport). Check it out

) I’m looking forward to the Los Angeles Times’ annual Festival of Books this coming Sunday. Tickets are free but limited, so after obsessing about the possibilities serious consideration, I chose four panels: 
Memoir: Hope & Challenges (Sara Davidson, Mike Farrell, Dinah Lenney & Amy Silverstein); Young Adult Writing: Not Just For Kids (Jay Asher, Robin Benway, Cecil Castellucci & Michele Serros); Julie Andrews (discussing her new memoir); and Agents’ Voices (Betsy Amster, Georges Borchardt, Sandra Dijkstra & Bonnie Nadell). Natch, I’ll share my notes.

5) I’ve been tagged and nudged by several people about the latest meme; please forgive me for being late to the party. By now, everyone has probably moved on, so I’ll switch off the lights before I leave the room.

The meme: Grab the nearest book, open to page 123, find the fifth sentence. Then post the next three sentences.

From TOO CLOSE TO THE FALLS, by Catherine Gildiner: “My fingers were tired and blistered by the time we finished snipping the entire wardrobe from the large paper sheets. I thought then maybe the fun would begin I had a desire to be sane and if playing Lennon Sisters paper dolls was the ticket, I was willing to pay my admission.”

Although I’d love to linger awhile on LJ, I’m writing against a tight deadline. I hope you’re doing well! [Edited to add] In honor of Earth Day (also my mother’s birthday; how could I forget?), let’s all do something nice for Mother Nature. 
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Friday Five

So much about the publishing world is a mystery, isn’t it? Just for fun, I’ve asked five “experts” to predict my writerly fortunes.


1. Will I make my debut book sale before I’m old enough to schedule my first colonoscopy?

Magic 8-Ball:
 Ask again later.


Will my dream agent and I form a partnership by the end of this month?

Fortune cookie:
If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.


3. How about a sneak preview of my first book review?

 Bible Dipping: There the wicked cease from raging, and here the weary are at rest. Job 3:17

4. Is there anything I can do today to increase my chances of publication?

The Ace of Wands Tarot card
: Your power today lies in initiation. You are a winner by virtue of your desire, belief, vision, and intention. You bring fresh inspiration into the world and are master of your domain. Your solution is found in creative transformation and you are empowered by your spark of life.

5. Any words of advice for me as I write this next chapter?

Scorpio’s horoscope
: Your day is a bigger challenge than you may be used to, but of course you can rise up to meet it with relative ease. Try not to get too cocky about it, but make sure the right people know you’re still in the game.

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Random stuff about creating order from chaos

Hurray! It seems our new cabinets and appliances will be delivered the last week in August, at the short end of the 4-6 weeks we were initially quoted.  For several reasons, we feel really good about our decision to buy from Lowe’s. We received excellent service from expert staff; also, we admire the corporation’s principled decision to withdraw their advertising dollars from a hate-spewing, fact-challenged cable television show.


This morning, I’m registering for a night class! Along with a friend from my writing group, I’m going to take Novel Workshop: Revising Manuscripts for Publication. The topics listed in the course outline sounds really interesting. For example, have you ever heard of these plot structure devices: Bowling Alley/Picaresque, Hour Glass, and Drawing Room Disaster? Aside from learning more about the key elements of fiction-writing, I like the fact that we’ll critique sample pages every week.  Can you say accountability? 

Tonight, we’re going to the Orange County Fair. My husband likes to re-visit certain exhibits every year – the Ginsu Knife salesman’s a favorite, for unabashedly kitschy showmanship, and the corkscrew-tailed piglets are incredibly cute. And the food…oh, the food! While I’m scouring the fareway for healthier fare, he heads straight for the heart-attack stands. His typical menu: bratwurst and barbecued corn on the cob, an oversized cinnamon roll, and soft-swirl ice cream to cleanse the palate. At the end of the night, as always, he’ll roll out to the parking lot, ala Templeton in Charlotte’s Web.

Okay, gotta go…I’m headed to the slab yards to pick out granite for our countertops. Yabba-dabba-doo, and I hope you’ve got a fun day planned, too!

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