Never Thought This Would Happen!

During this morning’s press conference, President Bush sent me running for my Webster’s.

A reporter tried to follow up on a question the president was circumventing. “Don’t interrupt me,” Bush chided, “I’m perorating.” He chuckled to himself and then added, “Look it up in your dictionary.”

And so I did.

Perorating. v. 1. To conclude a speech with a formal recapitulation. 2. To speak at great length, often in a grandiloquent* manner.

*Grandiloquent. adj. Pompous or bombastic speech or expression.

Ah, yup. That sums things up rather nicely.


  1. Anonymous


    Bush said “perioecian”. Here is the definition of perioecian: one of the perioeci. Here are definitions for perioeci: 1 – those who live on the same parallel of latitude but on opposite meridians so that it is noon in one place when it is midnight in the other 2 โ€“ free citizens without political rights constituting the subject class of ancient Sparta who carried on the trade and industry of the country and served in the armed forces (definitions are from Websterโ€™s Third New International Dictionary Unabridged)

    • Re: perioecian

      What?! “Don’t interrupt me; I’m perioecian”? If those were his actual words, they’d be on the opposite meridian of coherent thought. Oh, wait…

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