Stamp of Approval

It’s entirely possible that I’m the last person on the planet to realize that the US Post Office is selling “Favorite Children’s Book Animals” stamps. But now that I’ve discovered them, I’m in love. How can you help but smile — even when paying bills — when you affix a Wilbur or Wild Thing image to an envelope?

Here’s the cast of characters they’ve selected for this philatelic homage: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Wilbur, Fox in Socks, Maisy, Wild Thing, Curious George, Olivia, and Frederick. Aren’t they adorable?

And on a totally different topic, bostonerin tagged me with the book meme. If you’re interested, my answers are 

1.     One book that changed your life: I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS. This compelling and controversial book about overcoming adversity inspires me on multiple levels, most too personal to explain.
2.     One book that you’ve read more than once: WIZARD of OZ. A great fantasy story, but also a metaphor about becoming a fully integrated person. If you haven’t read THE ZEN OF OZ, I highly recommend it, too.
3.     One book you would want on a desert island: THE WORST CASE SCENARIO SURVIVAL HANDBOOK.
4.     One book that made you laugh: Anything CALVIN AND HOBBES.
5.     One book that made you cry: NIGHT, by Elie Wiesel. Such raw imagery – and provocative in that the author poses an impossibly difficult question: How can a loving God cause/allow such atrocities to happen? Worth considering always, but relevant again, especially in light of current events around the world.
6.     One book you wish had been written: A FINAL GOODBYE TO ANGST AND ADIPOSE.
7.     One book you wish had never been written: GODLESS (or anything else by Ann Coulter). I’m not one for censorship, but I believe publishers and authors have to be more responsible about presenting opinions as fact. Coulter’s works seem to me the publishing equivalent of shouting “FIRE” in a crowded theatre – and then setting off explosives to prove your point.
8.     Books you are currently reading/have been meaning to read: BITTER IS THE NEW BLACK and AN ABUNDANCE OF KATHERINES. I’m struggling to get through them – not because they’re bad (they’re actually quite good), but because I should instead be finishing up a chapter for my nonfiction proposal. Ahem.


  1. Oh awesome! I love “Where the Wild Things Are.” Max was always my favorite…There was a WTWTA exhibit at the Metreon here in SF and I went a few years ago. So much fun! You could even go in Max’s boat and stuff. I need to get some of those stamps.

      • It was so much fun! Basically it was WTWTA come to life…I was able to walk through the exhibit and feel like you’re in the book. Then there was a play area (for kids), though I had to check it out. And, the eating area was themed as “In the Night Kitchen,” another one of my favorite children’s books.

  2. I bought some of those last winter and have only two left…I’ve used them quiet sparingly…only for the best people! And, like lizjonesbooks, have thought carefully about which goes to whom (or something like that)!

    Also, I agree w/ you, re: Godless and presenting opinion as fact.

  3. I did not know either. I don’t get out much. I live in a cave with my own wild thing. I must have these.

    Do they come in sheets, so that I may frame them on a wall.

  4. Apparently, it’s a well-known “secret,” but I’m glad to spread the word among those of us who missed their debut. Hope you have fun picking the perfect stamp to use for your query. Good luck!

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