1. What a lovely word for the year.

    And a belated happy new year to you. My cold kept me from making all the rounds on new year’s eve but I wanted to tell you that throughout the last year I have been constantly uplifted by a post of yours or often, a comment you have made, not just on my blog but when reading someone elses blog.

    I already think of you as a woman filled with grace. I think 2009 will be wonderful for you with this word as your touchstone.

    • Happy New Year, Susan! I hope you’re feeling much better now, and that you’ll have a very healthy, joy-filled new year.

      I can’t respond to your sweet words without crying, so I’ll just say thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

  2. Lovely word, lovely choice, for a lovely person.

    Hope 2009 is filled with grace for you, and that you continue to bring it to all of us who are lucky enough to share a little slice of life with you online.

    • What a kind thing to say, K. I’m very touched. And yes, I’d LOVE to meet up with you, too! Let’s get together for coffee sometime soon. How about Corner Bakery in the Tustin Marketplace? We can invite Cathy I. Wouldn’t that be fun?!?

    • Happy New Year, my dear friend. I’m working very hard on my mss, and I can’t wait until the time’s right to share it with you. (Let this be the year for WITNESS…) xoxo

  3. Grace – brings up so many images and feelings

    Great choice for your word this year =)

    it’s a peaceful and active word at the same time.

    You probably know the background of the hymn Amazing Grace
    Have you seen the movie – or listened to the soundtrack of it? I love it.

    Happy New Year!

    You bring grace to LJ-land =)

    • Re: Grace – brings up so many images and feelings

      I haven’t seen the movie or heard the soundtrack. Maybe I should buy it on DVD?

      Happy New Year to you, as well. Thank you for gracing my life with your friendship. xo

  4. I love “grace.” I think it’s a great word for 2009! And, I believe it fits you to a T.

    I am still looking for my word… it will come.

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