Five factiods for a Friday, plus a few embellishments, no extra charge.
1) A couple of memoirists got inducted into the liar’s club this week. Two Too many wrongs don’t make a right, of course, but it does seem that misery loves company.
2) While the recent memoir debacles aren’t the least bit funny, the Memoir-a-Tron makes me laugh.
3) When Moses came down from Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments, was he really coming down from a drug-induced high? Perhaps, says cognitive psychologist Benny Shannon. I can’t attest to the soundness of his theory, but it might help explain why Moses wandered so long in the wilderness.
4) Twinkie Deconstructed tells more truths about processed foods than some of us might want to swallow. The Twinkie, for instance, gets its buttery taste from butyric acid, which author Ettlinger describes as “a natural component of Parmesan cheese, rancid butter, and, unbelievably, vomit and perspiration.” [Full disclosure: I’ve always hated Twinkies, but this isn’t a hit piece, I promise.]
5) Last, but certainly not least, I’d like to share one of my favorite quotations (dedicated to my good buddy, Linda Partlow), plus two new photos.
Finally…whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. Philippians 4:8
The fifteen-day-old bird babies were slumbering when I approached their nest. But as soon as I snapped the first picture, their eyes popped open, and they stretched their necks toward the sky as if to say, “Mama, is that you?” and “Hey, where’s my food?”
Wow – that picture with their little beaks open is AMAZING!!!!
They’re not shy about asking for food, are they? 🙂
I’m happy dwelling near that nest.
Ah, me too. But you’ve also got a lot of happy news on which to dwell, don’t you? I’m not surprised, but I’m so glad.
NOTE: If you haven’t yet heard Lisa’s fantastic news, get thee to this link, post-haste!
Birdlets! Times I wish I could see well are times like this. The tree two houses down is apparently full of hummer nests but can I see them? No.
The Memoir-a-tron made me snicker.
They’re so adorable, aren’t they? If you’d like full-size images of any of these hummingbird photos, just ask. I’ll send them to you by email. (That offer’s open to anyone…I’m happy to share!)
I love the baby birds.
My dd wishes we had birds in our yard.
Wonderful quote. Different wording than I’m used to, so it is fun to read another translation. (I use the KJV.)
Aw, but you’ve got those lovely swans on the icy lake…
This verse seems to me a condensed version of The Secret. I love it.
(I grew up on the KJV, too. No surprise, eh?)
That’s just amazing. I like the ruler as reference! soooo tiny…
Did you notice that the braver of the two is sporting a mohawk?
So cute!!!
I love that second photo!
Oh, me too! There’s so much life and love in that tiny little nest.
Eeee! So cute!
Those are some awesome pics, Mel.
Those are some awesome bird babies. 🙂
Awesome photos! I keep trying to imagine just how small those birdies are. I see the tape measure and all, but I still can’t believe it! Miracles encased in such tiny bodies.
I’m the same way, even though I’m able to see them with my own eyes. And yes, they’re tiny miracles, aren’t they?
I’m glad those babies get results from holding their beaks open wide; I try it around here but nobody drops any morsels in my mouth. Sigh. Maybe I should start cheeping….
You deserve to be served peeled grapes, plus a cabana boy to fan you with palm fronds.
Ah, the mythical cabana boy I’ve dreamed of all these years..
Hmm, this sounds a tad risky. You might want to tape a note to your vest re the type of morsels that are acceptable and, more importantly, not acceptable 🙂
A note sounds like a good idea but what about my cat who isn’t the strongest reader? He might mistakenly read “chocolate” as “hairball.”
Tracy, I fear you’re doomed ~
You crack me up, Tracy!
That was fun 🙂 I also hate Twinkies, so I enjoyed that piece of info, heh.
I felt like I needed an excuse to post more hummer photos, so I put together that list as entree. Heh. You’re the first person to commment on the whole post, Robin. Thanks for reading. 🙂
Twinkies are gross.
I’ve been following your posts, and though I haven’t commented (lots going on here), I’ve been sending all good thoughts for your submissions. Waiting is hard, but it’s much easier, knowing we’re waiting together…and for potentially good news!
Sure seems like it! The hummingbird expert told me they have to eat every 15-20 minutes. Poor mama, she’s always scrambling for food!
I’m drinking my morning coffee while reading your post, and these are the highlights:
An unfortunate but very funny Memoir-a-Tron
Twinkies w/ vomit
Moses on hallucinogens (much like the accused girls in the Salem witch trials? wheat mold?)
And Beautiful, sweet baby hummingbirds – one of them I think thought you were Mama Bird w/ the measuring stick and camera
Now THAT was a rollercoaster of the senses!
Have a wonderful trip 🙂
Great photos Melodye!
I had to laugh at your the Twinkies and vomit statement. I can’t stand Twinkies either, but a lot of mushers take them on long distance runs, like the Yukon Quest and the Iditarod for the sugar high that it gives them. And, for some reason, Twinkies do not freeze. And no, I don’t want to know why! Too scary a thought! If you knew what hot dogs were made from, you’d never eat another one again.
Here’s Zoya with part of her Twinkie stash!
Yup– that’s more like it! Though I suspect that’s just baby faces, rather than the teenagers