My friend Posy

                                                                                                                            Euphoria, by Posy Adler

Early this morning, under the light of the beautiful full moon, my friend Posy let go of her life on this earth.

The time we shared was short but fabulous and, greedy me, I find myself wanting more.  I wish we still had years and years ahead of us, in which we could play, laugh, talk, and have lunch or tea. Nevertheless, I will always cherish the rich memories we created in our too-brief but wonderful times together.


I remember, for example, the warm autumn afternoon we spent at the beach. How wonderful, to be able to take a walk on the sand, and then enjoy a leisurely lunch together. We had a fabulous time talking about everything – and nothing. 

Posy loved making people laugh. When I last visited with her, she was resting comfortably in her night clothes. “You have no idea how liberating it is,” she said, “to take off your brassiere for the very last time!” Her eyes twinkling, she added, “Just think: I’ll never have to floss again!”

What 90-year-old do you know who can make Santa blush? When she sat on his lap, Santa asked her if she’d been naughty or nice. Not one to give away her secrets, Posy just winked.


Posy was also an artist and a teacher. I loved taking art field trips with her to the Laguna Beach Festival of the Arts, the sculpting and painting classrooms in her living complex, and even to her in-home studio. How fortunate I’ve been, to have a personal docent to guide me to a deeper understanding of life’s artistic pleasures. 


We enjoyed looking out her kitchen window and wandering through the back yard to see her beautiful plants. Her birth name was Roslyn, but her nickname, Posy, suited her perfectly! She nurtured me in the same way she tended to her garden; under her loving care, everything and everyone blossomed.


I am so grateful that Posy took an interest in me – encouraging my dreams, applauding my accomplishments, understanding and helping me learn from my mistakes. I am a grown woman, and I’ve proved myself strong in the face of hardships. Still, I needed a mother’s tender loving touch and guidance. Then, suddenly – as a gift from the Universe – Posy came into my life. And since that happy day a few years ago, she’s become everything I ever dared imagine or hope a mother – a friend – could be.  

There’s no need to say goodbye, because I will always hold her close in my heart. I will miss her profoundly, but I will love her forever.


  1. Oh… I’m just really, really sorry. Posy’s comment about taking off her brassiere for the last time actually made me cry. Wow, she sounds wonderful, and I am so, so sorry for your loss, Melodye. Hugs to you and to her.

  2. What a lovely tribute you have left for Posy. As Mother would have said” See you on the other side”. We can look forward to that as we remember the loving times we had with them. Sending you Texas size ((((HUGS))) during this time.

  3. What a lovely tribute you have left for Posy. As Mother would have said” See you on the other side”. We can look forward to that as we remember the loving times we had with them. Sending you Texas size ((((HUGS))) during this time.

  4. She must have been an extraordinary woman to have your love and admiration. I’m so sorry for your loss, even as I am glad that Posy left this earth on her own terms.


  5. Oh Melodye, my heart ached when I read this. Posy’s enthusiasm for life and clever wittiness reminded me so much of my own grandmother. I’m so sorry you’ve lost (in body) your dear friend. I am greatful for you both to have had each other’s friendship–so many people wish for someone to come into their life, to touch their soul. I’m glad you had that, and my heart is with you tonight as you grieve your loss.


  6. What a roller coaster of emotions. How wonderful to have found Posy just when you needed her. Funny how life works out that way. My thoughts are with you.

  7. There’s nothing greedy about wanting more time with a loved friend. I’m sorry Posy had to die but I’m glad you two had wonderful times together. Sending good thoughts your way.

  8. There’s nothing greedy about wanting more time with a loved friend. I’m sorry Posy had to die but I’m glad you two had wonderful times together. Sending good thoughts your way.

  9. What can I say? You’ve put your feelings into words so eloquently, I feel as if I know and love her myself, and miss her. I believe people like this enrich not just the lives of those whio know them, but raise the level of our collective humanity just a little notch higher. They’re a blessing for the whole world.

  10. Melodye, I’m so sorry to hear about the passing of your friend.
    Thank you for sharing her with us here.
    How lucky you were to have her in your life for the time you did.
    Take care.

  11. What a beautiful tribute to a Wonderful Lady! May we all leave such memories behind when we depart this realm. Her legacy will live on. Thank you for allowing her to touch our lives through your introduction.

  12. What a beautiful tribute to a Wonderful Lady! May we all leave such memories behind when we depart this realm. Her legacy will live on. Thank you for allowing her to touch our lives through your introduction.

  13. Posey sounds like a wonderful woman. How lucky you are to be able to call her friend, even if it wasn’t as long as you would have liked. (((((((Hugs)))))))

  14. Posey sounds like a wonderful woman. How lucky you are to be able to call her friend, even if it wasn’t as long as you would have liked. (((((((Hugs)))))))

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  16. Anonymous

    Ah, those images hit the spot. Lush and lovely, evoking that unique citrus aroma.

    *breathing deeply*

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