Friday at the movies

Ta-da! Guess what I’m learning? 

In my debut video blog, my friend Robyn (

) and I offer you backstage-pass peeks into our writerly lives. Scenes range from the informative (Corner Bakery or Panera?) to the poignant (I Want a Girl Scout Badge!), and include a show-stopping shout-out to

. Stay tuned for the audience interactive at the end. 

This clip’s appropriate for time-wasters viewers of all ages, so grab a bag of popcorn and hit the play button! 



  1. FUN!!!! 🙂

    You guys are dorks. Melodye, you’re as cute as I remember.

    I want to see more v-logs. And I feel like I should do one now. Yay.

  2. Oh, that was so cute and funny. I really enjoyed watching it. It also got a chance for me to “see” you in person, Melodye. You both seem like lovely people. I’m not sure if I have any requests just yet for the next one, but I will be watching. 🙂

    • We had a blast! Robyn’s so smart about technology, which is a good thing, ’cause I’m lagging behind. PLUS, well…we play/work well together (can you tell?).

      I’d love to see you on a vlog, too!

  3. Oh, that was so cute and funny. I really enjoyed watching it. It also got a chance for me to “see” you in person, Melodye. You both seem like lovely people. I’m not sure if I have any requests just yet for the next one, but I will be watching. 🙂

  4. Great vlog, Melodye (and Robbie)!
    OMG…what a couple of gigglers.
    I’ll answer your question…
    for your next blog (yes, please), I’d love to see more of your surroundings…maybe an on the spot interview with someone who happens upon two writers working. I’d like to know what they make of two giggling women with laptops and a camera in the middle of a bookstore(?)

  5. Once I popped in Seinfeld and dropped off to sleep, I didn’t have any trouble at all waiting to catch this this morning. Lots of fun.

    Did I really say that when you get together that you don’t work? I have to take that all back now because I’m pretty sure v-blogs are considered work for writers. Marketing. Promotion. Etc.

    On a similar note, did you really each get 1,000 words written in an hour? If so, kudos to you. I don’t think I’ve ever done that much in less than 2 hours.

    See you soon.

  6. Once I popped in Seinfeld and dropped off to sleep, I didn’t have any trouble at all waiting to catch this this morning. Lots of fun.

    Did I really say that when you get together that you don’t work? I have to take that all back now because I’m pretty sure v-blogs are considered work for writers. Marketing. Promotion. Etc.

    On a similar note, did you really each get 1,000 words written in an hour? If so, kudos to you. I don’t think I’ve ever done that much in less than 2 hours.

    See you soon.

  7. Once I popped in Seinfeld and dropped off to sleep, I didn’t have any trouble at all waiting to catch this this morning. Lots of fun.

    Did I really say that when you get together that you don’t work? I have to take that all back now because I’m pretty sure v-blogs are considered work for writers. Marketing. Promotion. Etc.

    On a similar note, did you really each get 1,000 words written in an hour? If so, kudos to you. I don’t think I’ve ever done that much in less than 2 hours.

    See you soon.

  8. That was so freaking adorable!!!

    I love all the giggling … it’s clear that you two really “get” each other!

    Robyn is amazingly calm for someone who has another 30,000 words to write in the next two weeks. I think we should see regular updates of her slowly going to pieces.


    • “I love all the giggling … it’s clear that you two really “get” each other!”

      Thanks, and that’s such a nice thing to say. Yes, we have a great, easy-going time together. It’s such fun to work with Robyn!

      Robyn’s a writing genius. I’ve never seen someone come up with an idea and run with it as successfully (and quickly) as she does.

  9. That was a fun way to start my day. And I did watch the whole thing but I’m still going to write today.

    I’m off to shake the dust motes out of my hair and get down to it! 🙂

    • Those Green brothers are phenomenal, aren’t they? I’m in awe of their technological prowess and creative genius.

      Glad you liked our vlog…your turn?

  10. Rock stars!

    Maybe you two could interview each other Oprah-style.

    Maybe you could throw in some baton-twirling for good measure. Nothing pleases a crowd more than quality baton-twirling.

    • Ooh, these are great ideas! I’m taking mental notes.

      I’m guessing B & N might draw the line at the baton-twirling. We’d have to change venues for that. 🙂

    • Ooh, these are great ideas! I’m taking mental notes.

      I’m guessing B & N might draw the line at the baton-twirling. We’d have to change venues for that. 🙂

  11. You two are adorable!!!!

    I want to hear more about what you’ve come up with for each of your stories that day–little snippets of progress! 😀

  12. It’s not gossiping, it’s networking!!

    Heh – I’m so jealous!! I want to hang out with you guys. What fun!!! (Maybe if I type more exclamation points, I can somehow magically beam myself to California).

    It’s so much fun to actually see you two as opposed to just reading blogs or hearing voices on the phone. I love this! Thank you for posting!

    • I want you to hang out with us, too! Now that you’re freelancing, there’s a glimmer of hope that it could happen, right? RIGHT?

      I liked doing this for the very same reasons you mentioned. I’d love to see my LJ friends on camera; words alone don’t capture a person’s essence. *Reflects back on all the giggling* For better and worse, heh.

  13. Uh-dorable! More, more, more…It’s fun to see Writers At Work (complete with giggling).

    You need vlog names for one another, like the Sweeney Sisters from Saturday Night Live…

    • We always end up giggling. That’s what makes it fun!

      I love the idea of having vlog names. Hmmm…maybe we should have a naming contest? Got ideas?

      Your turn next?

    • We always end up giggling. That’s what makes it fun!

      I love the idea of having vlog names. Hmmm…maybe we should have a naming contest? Got ideas?

      Your turn next?

  14. Uh-dorable! More, more, more…It’s fun to see Writers At Work (complete with giggling).

    You need vlog names for one another, like the Sweeney Sisters from Saturday Night Live…

  15. Omg, you guys are way too cute!! Only writers would ‘get” the James Frey (fry?) joke… totally made me laugh. I wish I had real-world-writer-friends!

    • Aww, thanks, Mandy. We had tons of fun, and yes, it’s great to have ‘insider’ jokes, to keep ourselves amused. Not that we had any trouble with that. Hee hee.

      Wish you could come and play with us! How are you doing? Your baby’s going to be born soon, right?

  16. Very fun, and, as everyone has said, you’re both so adorable! Confess: You didn’t have a drop ‘o somethig alcoholic in the coffee did you? 🙂

    Yes, do more vlogs. Writing and hairstyling tips.

    So great talking to you this morning, Melodye. THANK YOU! Loved being able to see you on the little movie. (That’s non-techsters like me call it…)

    • HA! It seems as though we did, but we actually and honestly didn’t, I swear.

      Writing AND hairstyling tips…great combination!

      I loved talking with you, too. Fun conversation, and how nice, to put a voice to your words and icon!

    • HA! It seems as though we did, but we actually and honestly didn’t, I swear.

      Writing AND hairstyling tips…great combination!

      I loved talking with you, too. Fun conversation, and how nice, to put a voice to your words and icon!

    • Hey, yeah, why DON’T you? I’d love that!!!!!

      And you’re so good with technology, you could hook us up with some v-cool vlog features. 🙂

  17. Were you pressed for time? Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.

    Thanks for watching. You get extra credit for doing chores AND simultaneously being a supportive LJ friend. 🙂

  18. Were you pressed for time? Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.

    Thanks for watching. You get extra credit for doing chores AND simultaneously being a supportive LJ friend. 🙂

  19. Oh my gosh! You guys are just too funny and adorable! LOL! Looking forward to seeing more! Did you just film yourselves with a digital recorder, or a web cam? What a great idea! 🙂

    • I’m so glad you liked it; we had tons of fun making this entry (can you tell?).

      Robyn’s the techno-genius here, not me. Want to know how it’s done? Click on her username up top or go directly to her blog, where she’s got a how-to entry. Your turn next?

    • I’m so glad you liked it; we had tons of fun making this entry (can you tell?).

      Robyn’s the techno-genius here, not me. Want to know how it’s done? Click on her username up top or go directly to her blog, where she’s got a how-to entry. Your turn next?

    • I’m so glad you liked it; we had tons of fun making this entry (can you tell?).

      Robyn’s the techno-genius here, not me. Want to know how it’s done? Click on her username up top or go directly to her blog, where she’s got a how-to entry. Your turn next?

    • Re: How Fun!

      That’s a great idea! It’s noisy there, though, so we’ll have to go early.

      Thanks for your kind words. We had tons of fun. 🙂

  20. Oh my gods, you guys are too funny. Very adorable. LOL.. Great job and yeah, let’s see more of those! Don’t know which writing questions I’d like you guys to address yet, but I’ll come up with something!

      • LOL… Here’s one… when you’ve got a hectic schedule, how do you find the time to write? Between work and school and all of the friggin’ reading/paper writing I have to do, I don’t seem to have a lot of free time. Though I’m sure I could use some time more efficiently. And I’d looooove to spend more time writing. So as two ladies with busy lives, how do you make sure you have time to write?

      • LOL… Here’s one… when you’ve got a hectic schedule, how do you find the time to write? Between work and school and all of the friggin’ reading/paper writing I have to do, I don’t seem to have a lot of free time. Though I’m sure I could use some time more efficiently. And I’d looooove to spend more time writing. So as two ladies with busy lives, how do you make sure you have time to write?

  21. Oh my gods, you guys are too funny. Very adorable. LOL.. Great job and yeah, let’s see more of those! Don’t know which writing questions I’d like you guys to address yet, but I’ll come up with something!

  22. Nice Effort

    Get a couple of girls together after a long day of brainstorming, writing, etc., and there tends to be a lot of giggling. Sort of like a sleep-over, no? That being said, I found your video quite entertaining. Not being a writer, I may have failed to recognize the informative portion which I’m sure was in there.

    What would I like to see in the next installment? Once again, not being a writer, I have to be careful here as I’m mainly in it for the entertainment value. You know, I’m a man, and maybe it would be better if I just left that one alone. Just do your thing, and I’ll comment when moved to do so. Okay?

  23. Nice Effort

    Get a couple of girls together after a long day of brainstorming, writing, etc., and there tends to be a lot of giggling. Sort of like a sleep-over, no? That being said, I found your video quite entertaining. Not being a writer, I may have failed to recognize the informative portion which I’m sure was in there.

    What would I like to see in the next installment? Once again, not being a writer, I have to be careful here as I’m mainly in it for the entertainment value. You know, I’m a man, and maybe it would be better if I just left that one alone. Just do your thing, and I’ll comment when moved to do so. Okay?

  24. Nice Effort

    Get a couple of girls together after a long day of brainstorming, writing, etc., and there tends to be a lot of giggling. Sort of like a sleep-over, no? That being said, I found your video quite entertaining. Not being a writer, I may have failed to recognize the informative portion which I’m sure was in there.

    What would I like to see in the next installment? Once again, not being a writer, I have to be careful here as I’m mainly in it for the entertainment value. You know, I’m a man, and maybe it would be better if I just left that one alone. Just do your thing, and I’ll comment when moved to do so. Okay?

  25. Very cool! I wish I had a writing partner nearby. I loved the part where you were fixing your hair!

    Only downfall? I have to agonize waiting all day at work to go home and play it there.

    But keep ’em coming!

    • So silly, weren’t we? We have a ton of fun together. And, oh yes, we do get our writing in. 🙂

      Thanks so much for even taking the time to view our debut v-log. I’m touched that you’d spend your weekend with us.

  26. Very cool! I wish I had a writing partner nearby. I loved the part where you were fixing your hair!

    Only downfall? I have to agonize waiting all day at work to go home and play it there.

    But keep ’em coming!

  27. Well, I see you have a career in film making as well as publishing. Lucky you, you’re covering every base on the planet, girl! What’s next??? With Melodye, outer space is the limit!

    • Um, well…I can honestly say that I have lots of great opportunities — and wonderful enablers, er, friends.

      You should totally try this, too, K. You’ve got great camera presence and so many wonderful stories and ideas floating around in your creative head!

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