1. can this go on my resume??

    YOU are the only one who will feel my pain….
    I am making 2 dozen cookies to take to a cookie exchange! KILL ME!

  2. Well Pilgrim, it’s about time. Grab a bottle of the finest rot gut whiskey and put on your Sunday go to meeting dress. It’s time for a party.

  3. Well Pilgrim, it’s about time. Grab a bottle of the finest rot gut whiskey and put on your Sunday go to meeting dress. It’s time for a party.

  4. Interesting and sort of worrisome too. I mean, I thought we’d gotten over the ‘me’ age, and now we’re back in deep. Here’s my hope – that the newly empowered ‘you’s’ of the world will take a stand for what they believe will help the world become a better place for everyone, not just them.
    Is that a good wish, or are there too many extremists out there who think the world will only be a good place if everyone is exactly like them?
    And where is my holiday spirit? LOL!

  5. Urgh. Not that I’m opposed to celebrating me, but I don’t need Time to pander to me that way. Seriously? I think they just threw their hands up on this one.

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