Comfort Creature, me

Do you, or perhaps someone you know, offer crocheted or knitted afghans for sale? I have a much-loved but very tattered throw that needs replacing. While I can probably find a boutique online, I’d prefer to support someone’s cottage industry.

Even in sunny So Cal, we girls like to be swaddled. A new afghan would go so nicely with these.


  1. Hi, Melodye — if you don’t find anyone, let me know. I’ve never sold my stuff (just push it on my relatives for Christmas), but I’ve crocheted my entire life 😉

    • See, your relatives are lucky! My nana used to crochet stuff, but I was too young to appreciate her work before she died. Now, I love handmade things!

      I wrote to Pamm’s friend, but if you’re serious about your offer (i.e., you have time and genuine interest — that is, you feel you’d benefit, too), I’d love to hear from you! here’s something along the lines of what I’m looking for:

      I’ll probably get one for myself and, if things work out, have one commissioned for my two sons, as well. They’re older now, but they’re creatures of comfort, too.

      If you think you might want to consider a project like this, email me at newport2newport AT gmail DOT com. If not, that’s certainly OK, too. I appreciate the offer!

  2. My dh’s grandmother makes lovely afghans. In fact, I had her create one for each of the children when they were but tiny tots — so they’d have something of her when she passes on. She’s 93 this year.

  3. Hmm it’s funny you should ask…I just finished a website for client in SoCal and she makes crocheted stuff. Check it out: C. WINFREY SERVICES! She’s very nice. Tell her Laura sent you =p

    • Thanks for the suggestion, Laura. I took a peek at her work. It’s really lovely, but one thing I noticed is that her work is almost double the price of other online shops. I suspect her work is extra-special and that she develops great relationships with her clients (and that name…oooh la la!), but still, it’s a bit beyond my budget. Still, I appreciate the referral. (Nice website by the way!!)

  4. Hey, I’ll make you one! Although the corners may curl up a tad. Okay, more than a tad. And there may be a few gaping holes. (Nothing a few safety pins can’t fix, right?) Oh, and I’ll probably get bored and quit after only crocheting a five-inch strip, but you could take that five-inch strip and wrap it around you feet, or something. Interested?

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