Womb with a View

Every once in a while, I discover an image so amazing, so beautiful that it moves me to tears. Then, of course, I want to play show-and-tell. So it is with this incredible, first-time photograph of an elephant fetus floating in its mother’s womb. 

I”ve just been browsing through an awe-inspiring photo and video gallery of pre-birth baby animals on the National Geographic website.*  Now, I can’t wait to see their two-hour special, Animals In The Womb, on December 10th. 

Mark your calendars and watch the show with me! Meantime, you can peruse intrauterine pictures and videos of a swimming dolphin, a panting puppy, and a burgeoning baby elephant here. When you’ve got your Thanksgiving dinner cooking in the oven, round up the kidlets and take a peek.

*While some of you are busy making Thanksgiving dinner, I’m kicking back because I can. I’m here to provide the entertainment, giver that I am.  


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