Family Ties

One of my sisters has multiple schlerosis and Michael J Fox has Parkinson’s Disease — two neurological diseases that could possibly be ameliorated or perhaps even eradicated by the results of stem cell research.

It’s impossible for me to watch this video without weeping. 


  1. this is the last thing i need to watch after three large glasses of cabernet sauvigon. i feel to happy for sad videos. but i love michael j. fox..

  2. I used to be against stem cell research until I found out that the birth half-brother of my son has Krabbe’s disease and that stem cells are one way to help this usual fatal disease. Once you know someone who is suffering and how more research into stem cells can help, you look at things differently. I’m now for more research. I think the public needs to be more educated on what stem cell research will do instead of just listening to those who claim it’s wrong. I know. As I was once one of these individuals.

  3. i did start to watch this..i didn’t realize how bad M J. Fox had gotten.
    I hope they find a cure, i really do. poor guy… he seems to be handling it pretty well considering.

  4. I didn’t know this about your sister. {} I am so tired– I know, I shouldn’t complain– but I just wanted you to know my love is with you and yours, as always. Thank you for the message. You inspire me to be better than what I am.

    I had a wonderful conference today. More tomorrow. For now, a kiss, perchance to dream… {}

    p.s. I have attended the LIGHT OF DAY benfit shows in Asbury Park, NJ a number of times. They’re usually held in late October, early November. Have not heard news of an event this year. It raises money for Parkinson’s research. A few years ago, when the show was at The Stone Pony in Asbury (a tiny bar most notably connected with the birth of the Shore sound… and Bruce), Michael J. Fox joined the show while Bruce and the ensemble of musicians were on stage. I was near the front so I shook Michael’s hands and yes, just seeing him there, playing music, and after having grown up watching him on TV, made for a very emotional, weepy moment… {}

    Googled LIGHT OF DAY and found the Michael J Fox photo from his 2003 surprise appearance on the bar stage. Going to try to post an image from that night:

  5. Being the old staunch Conservative I once was, I would have been against new stem cell research. As I have grown older and hopefully wiser, I now would rely on the old science flame from many years ago when I was a youngster in school. I am in total favor of any research that would shed light on a cure for many diseases out there. I have found myself on the outside of this conversation with folks but I know there is an answer out there for this research. Some say that if God wanted a cure, he would provide one. I think that God may have given someone a thought process that would come up with that cure. Until that that happens, my heart goes out to you and yours and I hope I can see the day when minds and people come together for the good of mankind.

  6. Being the old staunch Conservative I once was, I would have been against new stem cell research. As I have grown older and hopefully wiser, I now would rely on the old science flame from many years ago when I was a youngster in school. I am in total favor of any research that would shed light on a cure for many diseases out there. I have found myself on the outside of this conversation with folks but I know there is an answer out there for this research. Some say that if God wanted a cure, he would provide one. I think that God may have given someone a thought process that would come up with that cure. Until that that happens, my heart goes out to you and yours and I hope I can see the day when minds and people come together for the good of mankind.

  7. Well said papadan. I have a brother in law with MS and even if I didn’t, I truly in my mind and in my heard do not understand the objection.

    If it is a God thing, well, then the people who believe this should not be driving in cars, living in houses, or utilizing hospitals, for those are all products of science.

  8. It breaks my heart to see this. My heart goes out to your sister, and to everyone who has to suffer while senseless political battles are fought over lifesaving research. I hope people come out in droves for the midterm elections…

  9. I worked with MJ Fox years ago in my pre-married life as a stand-in and background player in movies and television. It was the first season of Family Ties and he was SOOOO nice. Then, after a couple of years, I worked with him again on Love Boat. He was still nice. It’s a travesty we can’t heal people like this! My own father has MS, and it’s difficult watching someone wither away and die slowly.

    • Re: did you read this?

      Yeah, I read it. Limbaugh’s just the person to speak authoratatively about being off one’s meds!

      I heard the whine of swift boats heading down the river just as soon as I saw Fox’s video. Outrageous!

    • Re: did you read this?

      Yeah, I read it. Limbaugh’s just the person to speak authoratatively about being off one’s meds!

      I heard the whine of swift boats heading down the river just as soon as I saw Fox’s video. Outrageous!

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