No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace
As I have seen in one autumnal face.
~John Donne
If you’d like, enjoy with me the memories of a walk I took last week in rural Connecticut.
More about my Back East adventures — and yesterday’s soiree — in an upcoming post, after I’ve recuperated from jet lag and vanquished the cooties that followed me home.
The East Coast is extraordinarily beautiful, isn’t it? 🙂
Yes indeed! I remember going through Connecticut and New Hampshire the year I got married, and feeling right at home in those hills– lovely!
it’s too bad i didn’t know you were coming, i’d have baked a cake or something. connecticut is about 2 hours from where i live. what part of connecticut were you in?
Awwww, what a sweet thought (pardon the pun)! I was in Sharon, which is in the far western region of CT. Very rural, very beautiful. How about you?
I live in Seekonk, Massachusetts. I live pretty much on the border of Rhode Island. CT is a beautiful state. i’ve driven through it many times and will be driving through next month when i go to PA.
oo! Where you going in PA? Pittsburgh SCBWI is November 4th!!
i’ll be just oustide of lancaster to visit my cousin, then staying in lancaster, and visiting amish country. i don’t go until the weekend of the 10th. is SCBWI a writer’s conference?
Yes it is! Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators–Pittsburgh area. It’s a good conference. You can check out info on their website–
Have a great time in Amish country!
Is that Mama Gabrielle’s home? No wonder they left =here= for =there=. {}
Did they enjoy the wedding? Did you?
I know you are exhausted.
I’ll be patient. {}
I just wrote about our brunch together, and I’m listening to you and Bruce (OMG!!!) as I’m typing. Thanks for being a part of my trip, my morning, my life. XXOO
Nothing like roaches or bedbugs, I hope…lovely photos, dear.
No, not cooties of the house pest variety…These are the sort that crawl into your sinus passages and make you cough, sneeze, etc.
Glad you like the photos. The East Coast is amazingly, awesomely beautiful this time of year, isn’t it? Still, I’m glad to come home to beautiful sunny skies and, of course, the beach.
Gorgeous photos!
I LOVE your icon! How adorable is that?!?
Glad you enjoyed the photos. That walk was achingly beautiful, and I love being able to re-live the experience with you. 🙂
Wow! Those pics are just BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
I’m glad you liked them. Thanks for coming for a walk with me down memory lane. 🙂