Hmm, I think you should be spending way more time here than on Witness… 😉
I’m so glad to hear that you’re deep into writing! Do you think you could send a little of your super focus over here? I can’t seem to settle back into my writing after this busy summer.
Hey, up at the Natural History Museum there is a butterfly pavillion exhibit. From what I understand, it’s an enclosure you walk through where butterflies roam freely. It runs through the 3rd if you had the time. It was sold out the day we went up. Booo.
What a beautiful picture! I really want to go to the sanctuary of the monarch butterfly here in Mexico. Bit C is terrified of butterflies. Someday 🙂
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The entire Obama administration unveiled plans Wednesday on the way to create an elite corps for master teachers, virtually any $1 billion effort that can boost U.S. students’ achievement in the science, technology, engineering also math.
Ooh, this beautiful shot just lit up my gray morning! Beautiful. 🙂
Hmm, I think you should be spending way more time here than on Witness… 😉
I’m so glad to hear that you’re deep into writing! Do you think you could send a little of your super focus over here? I can’t seem to settle back into my writing after this busy summer.
Oh, lovely 🙂
Just gorgeous.
Hey, up at the Natural History Museum there is a butterfly pavillion exhibit. From what I understand, it’s an enclosure you walk through where butterflies roam freely. It runs through the 3rd if you had the time. It was sold out the day we went up. Booo.
The zoo in St Louis has a butterfly garden and it is very interesting to go in. Lots of beauty fluttering about. We hope to go back before long.
What a beautiful picture! I really want to go to the sanctuary of the monarch butterfly here in Mexico. Bit C is terrified of butterflies. Someday 🙂
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The entire Obama administration unveiled plans Wednesday on the way to create an elite corps for master teachers, virtually any $1 billion effort that can boost U.S. students’ achievement in the science, technology, engineering also math.
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