1. Congratulations on your release day, Melodye! And on that wonderful interview that gives us an up-close look into your generous spirit. I am so proud of you for sharing your painful and beautiful story.

    Thank you for the bracelet, Melodye and Beth!!
    tracyabell AT comcast DOT net

  2. Happy Book Birthday!

    How wonderful! I’m really looking forward to it! I’m afraid I’ve discovered on my first day of school, though, that I am way way WAY behind on my reading, so I’ll have to finish a few books before I buy any more.

  3. “Dear Bully” — a review

    Melodye, I finished reading “Dear Bully” a few days ago. It was something of a grueling experience, but I am glad I did it. Many of the descriptions of abject cruelty (like what you experienced and wrote about in your moving essay) were hard to stomach. It’s definitely a book everyone (especially bullies and their victims) should read.

    If you’re interested, I wrote a short review of the book and just posted it to my livejournal blog — PL


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