A Manifesto

How is it possible, I wonder, that our Congress and the White House find themselves wrangling over warrantless eavesdropping, secret CIA prisons, miltary tribunals that operate outside our judicial system, and diminished powers for all but the Executive Branch of our government

How can it be, that our leaders have drifted so far from the principles on which the United States of America was founded in the first place, that some now believe they can and should give away our Constitution-based freedoms, rights, and moral authority that have — to this point, at least — defined this nation and its citizens? 

I shake my head, in sorrow and disbelief.

When I saw this manifesto at Firedoglake’s blog this morning, I nodded my head and whispered, amen. I decided I’ll send it to my representatives and also post it to my blog, to express what I, too, believe. 

We believe that the Geneva Convention works. We do not believe in torture.

We believe in accountability and the rule of law. We do not believe in secret prisons or warrantless wiretaps, outside the scrutiny of the courts.

We believe that our morality is not dependent upon the morality of others. We do not believe in giving up our moral stature in times of war.

We believe that no one is above the law – not the president, not the CIA, not the Justice Department, not the Congress, not the courts, not corporations, not unions, not lobbyists.

We believe that no one is beneath the law – not the poor, not the non-English speakers, not the immigrant (legal or not), not the ill, not the outcasts of our society.

We believe that the military and the officers of the intelligence communuity are safer with the Geneva Conventions in place. We do not believe in cutting and running from the protections of Geneva.

Most of all, we believe in three branches of government that hold each other accountable as they do the people’s business.


  1. Anonymous

    Second that Amen

    Thanks so much for posting this. It’s very hard living in a society in which so many don’t care about torture and ongoing social injustice because they don’t think those issues affect their lives. Whenever I get overwhelmed by the Sheeple mentality and start dreaming of moving to faraway lands, I’m reminded that I’m not alone in my feelings. Other people in the US are paying attention to the atrocities committed by this regime, and do share my values.

    So thank you for bringing me back with this post.


    • Re: Second that Amen

      No, Tracy, you’re not alone. It helps when people are willing to speak up, if only so we know we’re among friends (aka concerned citizens).

  2. Anonymous

    Second that Amen

    Thanks so much for posting this. It’s very hard living in a society in which so many don’t care about torture and ongoing social injustice because they don’t think those issues affect their lives. Whenever I get overwhelmed by the Sheeple mentality and start dreaming of moving to faraway lands, I’m reminded that I’m not alone in my feelings. Other people in the US are paying attention to the atrocities committed by this regime, and do share my values.

    So thank you for bringing me back with this post.


  3. Yes, and lets hear it for George Clooney for speaking out about Darfur once again. We don’t even have to discuss the nature of our society where all of our well known celebrities are actors and they are some of the few to get press attention when they speak out.

  4. What scares me is how the president and others in his administration actually think that the American people aren’t aware of our own government’s atrocities. Also the patriot act is scary. My own sister had her telephone wiretapped when she was going about getting her then fiancee over from Qatar. Yes, he’s Muslim and I can see why the government would be leery of that but still… It really scares me on how many freedoms we have lost in the name of fighting terriorism. And am I the only one that questions our involvement in Iraq? What’s next, Iran? North Korea? When do we stop?

    Okay, enough of my ranting. Remember, my stepmom worked for Governor Brown and I love politics!!

  5. Amen!
    My representative is Hilary and she has her head up her ass.
    I was pissed enough not to vote for her, but I’ll send her this manifesto.

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