A Pen Mightier than the Sword


Last night, on the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, I watched Keith Olbermann deliver this blistering editorial. I feel as if I’d diminish the tremendous importance and impact of his words by adding my own commentary. So instead, I’ll just post access to his video and the MSNBC transcript for those who might not have seen them.

A viable democratic government depends upon conscientious citizens being willing to speak their individual and collective truths. Please take time to register your reaction — support or dissent — with Olbermann’s employer, MSNBC. 
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


    • Yes, I agree! It’s liberating. The more people are willing to share their perspectives, the more others will realize they’re not alone. It’s important not to be quieted by fear.

      I just posted email addresses (above), in case you want to share your approval of Keith’s message.

    • I agree with you: it’s at once eloquent (Keith’s editorial) and awful (the truths he exposes).

      I’ve posted MSNBC’s email addresses (above), in case you want to share your perspectives with them.

  1. On another board I’m on, we’re offering up our ovaries; strictly altruistic, you understand, just to keep the genetics going.

    Kind of a National Service.

    • Hee!

      Another national service you can perform: write MSNBC/Keith to express your perspectives. I’ve listed the email addresses above, to make that easier. 🙂

    • We can (and I believe we should) help keep him from being marginalized. You can write to MSNBC to voice your perspectives at the email addresses I’ve posted above.

      • that’s such a good idea to write to MSNBC…and what a wonderful follow-up MSNBC/Keith had following W’s so-called commemoration on 9/11. I watched CNN today and the tone was clueless and why do the Dems have a problem with W’s speech, ending with the quote from the (R) majority leader: “Do the Democrats side with the terrorists?” Ahhh!
        SO GOOD to see sanity.
        thank you.

  2. I can always count on being truly updated in the political happenings of our country by reading your blog. He’s hit many marks here.

    What a mess we’re in…SIGH

    • No sighs allowed, Katherine, unless they’re followed by action of some sort. We’re strong women/citizens. We can and should definitely work toward making a difference! Even the act of helping others be more aware of what’s going on is a step in the right direction… 🙂

      • Anonymous

        True, Melodye. My energies at this point are focused on my son, and at this point, with all else I’m involved in: my daughter with autism, as well as my other six children, I have so little energy that I’m barely getting enough enthusiasm to be creative these days.

        Foremost, I have to take care of the battles on my homefront.

        I DO appreciate ( and cheer and pray from the sidelines ) efforts of people like you who step in overtime for people like me.

    • No sighs allowed, Katherine, unless they’re followed by action of some sort. We’re strong women/citizens. We can and should definitely work toward making a difference! Even the act of helping others be more aware of what’s going on is a step in the right direction… 🙂

    • Not everyone can work on the front lines of every battle. We have to choose where and when to focus our attentions. You’re right to focus on family: it’s your highest priority! Family comes first! But I love and admire how you’re also so very supportive of your writing friends, and how you provide encouragement for people who are involved in other activities, too. You’re a great cheerleader, a true friend.

  3. One of the great things about our country is people like Keith being free to deliver spot-on editorials like this. What’s also great is that people like Ann Coulter can also deliver just as blistering commentaries from the other side.

    The hard part is finding the truth between the two poles because, of course, both poles only give the supports for their side, however blistering that may be.

    Thanks for posting the video.

    • I agree that freedom of speech and freedom of the press are precious to our democracy. That’s a fundamental distinction between Keith Olbermann and some current leaders — and right-wing commentators like Coulter.

      Ann Coulter’s commentaries aren’t blistering; they’re poisonous to our democracy. She consistently smears her opponents with half-truths and innuendos, and then suggests certain democrats, members of the media, and supreme court justices should be murdered in horrific ways. If that’s not bad enough, she’s been repeatedly called out for plagiarism and alterations of reports she cites in her books. Here’s just one blog that links to sources supporting these assertions:


      • You’re right. If there’s something I’m consistently tired of, it’s half-truths and unbased claims. And they are so prevalent from both sides, it makes you just want a leader who’s beyond all that. And makes you wonder if that’s even possible.

        • I’m with you on this, Jonathan! And I believe the path to possible is paved with intent and action, not just wishes. It’s up to *us* to make a difference, starting with everything we say and do in this moment, not just dreaming about our future.

          OK, off the soap box (for now); I’ve got some writing to do.

        • I’m with you on this, Jonathan! And I believe the path to possible is paved with intent and action, not just wishes. It’s up to *us* to make a difference, starting with everything we say and do in this moment, not just dreaming about our future.

          OK, off the soap box (for now); I’ve got some writing to do.

    • Oooh, I LOVE your icon, Catherine!! And I believe we can create the future we want to see, for ourselves and for our country. Not by wishing, mind you, but by acting…for example, like writing emails to MSNBC. Thanks for adding your voice. 🙂

    • Oooh, I LOVE your icon, Catherine!! And I believe we can create the future we want to see, for ourselves and for our country. Not by wishing, mind you, but by acting…for example, like writing emails to MSNBC. Thanks for adding your voice. 🙂

    • Heee! I’d probably die of heart ache, if not a heart attack.

      BUT, I’m sure willing to try to make a difference in my little corner of the country. Thanks for voicing your support. It’s wonderful to “talk” with others who think this conversation is worthwhile having.

      I’m watching for the answer about your avatar, by the way. I’m no good at trivia/history games, but I love learning new things. FUN!

  4. Anonymous

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