On Tuesday, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said critics of this administration’s war policies are suffering from “moral or intellectual confusion” and lack the courage to stand up to terrorists.
Last night, Keith Olbermann hit back at Rumsfeld. Here, at last, a news anchor willing to speak truth to power — a modern-day Edward R. Murrow.
Please, sir, may I have another?
God bless Keith!
When 9/11 hit, and Bush started his Americans against Americans tirade, I knew then without a doubt that I had been right to vote for the other guy.
But it’s never too late, there’s always NOW. We still have hope to reunite as true, DEMOCRATIC Americans.
Yes, NOW is the time for us to speak out, to activate! I want my country back.
I saw the transcript. KO.kicks.butt. What a slap to Rummy, Bush, Cheney and the rest of America’s Fascists.
Yep. Did you see his rampage last night, too? I was proud (surprised) to hear him say they’d be replaying this speech several times over the weekend. Wow. Just wow. MSNBC has grown some grit.
Whoa-this is pretty strong stuff. But I feel that as Americans we need to hear this. I was against the war from day one. I didn’t think Bush gave us enough evidence to start a war in Iraq. And now he won’t answer simple questions like, when will our troops come home? I wonder how Gore would have handled this. Somehow I doubt we’d be in Iraq. Thank goodness for journalists who have the courage to speak out.
I’m with you. I am just so worried we’ll end up in Iran unless we — all of us — rise up and speak up against these war mongerers.
Thanks so much for posting this. The more people exposed to the painful truth about what this country has become under the (mis)direction of those conscience-less greedheads, the sooner comes the overthrow of their regime.
I agree, Tracy. We really have to rise up and speak our dissent.
Knowledge = power. We have to USE that power to our benefit, and for the good of our country.
Mel, my husband and I were crying and cheering last night after Olbermann’s “special comment.” I salute him, I thank him, and I pray to g-d his words resonate and effect the wake-up call that is so long past overdue.
Conparing critics and dissenters to Nazi-appeasers is their final desperate straw. I HATE THEM.
And tell me true: WHO are the true terrorists? WHO uses FEAR to quash the voices of the people?
p.s. I watch COUNTDOWN/Keith Olbermann every night. He is brilliant.
Exactly. I’m with you on all of this.
And we, too, watch KO every night. Loved that he debated Rumsfeld AGAIN last night and that his speech (above) is going to be replayed several times this weekend. Hurray for MSNBC and its new-found courage. May g-d bless their ratings. (I sent an email of support.)
Heavens knows the world needs more folks ready to say it like it is –encourage accountability. That can NEVER be a bad thing. Thanks to you, I’m more aware of what’s going on in the world.
Yay! We all need to help each other stay aware. Knowledge = power…
LOL. How very interesting. No wait: embarrassing. And really, really sad for our country.
How have I never seen Olbermann?? This is incredible. Off to check the listing on MSNBC.
Wow. Thank you so much for sharing!!
Oh, he’s a must-see! His show’s a great mix of entertainment, editorializing, and hard news told straight.
Olbermann is my new news hero, right up there with Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart (and yes, I realize they’re into fake news, but still, they get it right). It does my heart good to know there are still patriots out there willing to stand up for the actual First Amendment.
Oh, mine, too! They’re more and more outspoken, the more reticent the “real” news anchors become. I’m so glad that SOMEONE’s willing to speak truth to power. I can’t wait for the day common citizens do the same.
Oh, mine, too! They’re more and more outspoken, the more reticent the “real” news anchors become. I’m so glad that SOMEONE’s willing to speak truth to power. I can’t wait for the day common citizens do the same.