1. Please know I’m with you in spirit, riding in the backseat of the roadster. Watching your back.

    Have a good adventure, Nancy. And take good care of your pumps! 🙂

  2. Please know I’m with you in spirit, riding in the backseat of the roadster. Watching your back.

    Have a good adventure, Nancy. And take good care of your pumps! 🙂

    • It was a fun trip, albeit with lots of sobering discoveries and realizations. But sidekicks always make the journey easier, so I’m glad you came along for the ride.

    • It was a fun trip, albeit with lots of sobering discoveries and realizations. But sidekicks always make the journey easier, so I’m glad you came along for the ride.

  3. I’m certain that you will be making your travels in a smart day dress with sensible overcoat and primly styled hair. P.S. don’t forget your heels!

    • Heee! Take a peek at today’s picture…Absolutely none of your wardrobe suggestions would have worked for that inhospitable terrain. But hey, I remembered to apply my lipstick. 🙂

  4. Go Melodye Go!!!

    I’m so glad to hear you’re making some progress! That is a fantastic thing. Just you be careful doing all that legwork though… at least until your leg is properly healed! 🙂

    • Re: Go Melodye Go!!!

      Hahaha! I can smell the burning rubber from here. 🙂

      You should have seen me climbing over rocks and down ravines… tt was likely a one-time opportunity, though, so I tried not to think about the consequences.

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