1. Wonderful post–I really loved reading the entry from A Good Blog Is Hard to Find (and there was that link to the Gees Bend quilts in there, which I loved–I love those quilts).

    Things are hard when we’re feeling fragile ((hugs))

    • Oh hey, I hadn’t noticed the quilt link until you mentioned it. Good stuff!!

      *hugs you back* I’m feeling much stronger every day, but hugs are always appreciated.

  2. When I took the photo of the monarch in my icon, we were at a nursery in Seal Beach that had a giant milkweed in the midst of it. I definitely want to add one to my own garden someday, to encourage butterfly visits. In the meanwhile, it’s nearly time to go on a quest of our west coast monarch hibernation hideouts!

    Thanks for sharing the links…I have known a few Mr. Negatives in my own crit group history.

  3. K.C. sounds like a lovely lady. “Even the tiniest of birds has big wishes.” And it’s so awesome to hear about people like Scott who do what they can to help the smallest among us.

    Gentle hugs to you, sweet friend.

    • It was such serendipity to meet K.C. In our short conversation, she really fed my spirit. Scott, too, in a slightly different way. I delight so much in the stories I hear in my everyday encounters. 🙂

      *hugs you back, with gratitude*

  4. I couldn’t get the link to work and I’d love to read what Kerry Madden had to say in A Good Blog Is Hard to Find. Would you send it to me in a message that lands in my inbox? Maybe I’ll have better luck later today or tomorrow.
    Thank you!

  5. Yay for milkweed growers! Here I’m trying to keep the local butterflies (and other wildlife) in mind as we chose what to plant in the new garden we’re putting in at the front.

    Kerry’s writing touches my heart.

    • I admire your commitment to Mother Nature and her beautiful creatures. I truly enjoy my garden (and the wildlife it brings my way), but I want to learn how to be more eco-responsible in my plant choices.

      Kerry’s writing speaks to my heart, too. She’s a storyteller, through and true.

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