• Re: artistQ 🙂

      Thanks, Laura. It’s been a long time coming, this courage. But I believe someday that my dream will come to fruition. Maybe not in the way that I envisioned it here, but I can’t help thinking that it will happen. Oh frabjous day, when it does. 🙂

    • Jeannine, thank you for reading the grace notes between the lines of my post. The event organizers may never know the full impact of their work, and may never realize the ripple effects of having invited His Holiness to Los Angeles. But maybe this little blog entry offers a small glimmer of the Light (the lightness of being) that it offered me. 🙂

    • Oh, Barb, that icon is just perfect. Thank you. The road to truth is congested…so many grow weary, or give up before they reach their destination. I get discouraged at times, but I never want to give up.

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