Mary Pearson’s latest novel, THE MILES BETWEEN, is on a cross-country road trip—a tour that will shuttle advance review copies (ARCs) from San Diego to New York City. If all goes as planned, the ARCs will arrive in NYC by the book’s September 1st publication date.
I love escorting people around this place I call home! So…given the opportunity to chauffeur Mary’s new book around Southern California, I grabbed my car keys and hit the road.

In this slideshow (link opens up in a new tab) The Miles Between travels through a little slice of Orange County. What speaks more to the idea of summertime adventures, I ask you, than the local county fair?
Sneak peek:

Want the ARC to visit your hometown? Honk Comment below by 6 a.m. PST on Monday, July 27th, and ask that your name be included in the drawing. (You can ride shotgun, of course, but please review the rules of the road before offering to take the wheel.)