I could include a host of Easter symbols here, but here’s a handful that make me hoppy happy.
1. Tatted cross bookmarks

Image credit: eBay.com
My Nana tatted Bible bookmarks for me that looked very similar to this one. They got lost over time (and over the course of several moves). But I found some tatted crosses on eBay, of all places, which I commissioned for myself, my siblings, and a handful of special friends.
2. Peeps

Image Credit: Boston.com
My husband loves Peeps, in all their iterations. (He’s a member of the Peeps fan club; did I already mention that? Silly boy.) I’m not a huge fan of the way they taste, but these colorful chicks take me back to simpler times. Plus! See how they stick together…how they own their uniqueness, their vibrant colors and textures? Yeah, that’s the ticket: they remind me of my peeps.
3. Easter Bonnets

Image Credit: PracticallyAtHome
Aren’t they just the cat’s meow? I don’t own a befeathered, beribonned bonnet, but I sure wish I did! Moreso, I’d like to develop enough "hattitude" to wear a crown, special occasion or no.
4. Foot washing

Image credit: South Wisconsin News
This ritual was typically performed by servants, so in washing his disciples’ feet, Jesus went all rogue (as he was wont to do). Aside from the metaphor about spiritual cleansing, this ritual calls us to our better angels, suggesting a life of humility and service.
5. Spring flowers at sunrise

Image credit: flickr
‘Nuf said.