1. Haha! I got that same e-mail…I think I own one cookbook, but I never bought it from Border’s. They’re always sending me wacky book list recommendations. Hehe.

  2. You made me LOL. Alas, I LOVE to cook. I have a ton of cookbooks, old and new–but I’m still living on crackers and toast because of this stomach flu–bah humbug!!!!!

    What’s the latest with your submissions??? Dying to hear.

    • Alas? I hardly think so. You live closeby, so if you want to Cook, I’m certainly willing to Share and Be Merry.

      I wish I knew what was going on with my submissions. Thing is, I NEVER open a package before my birthday or Christmas, and I NEVER (well, hardly ever) give away a secret. But this not-knowing is gonna kill me before the New Year, I swear.

    • Alas? I hardly think so. You live closeby, so if you want to Cook, I’m certainly willing to Share and Be Merry.

      I wish I knew what was going on with my submissions. Thing is, I NEVER open a package before my birthday or Christmas, and I NEVER (well, hardly ever) give away a secret. But this not-knowing is gonna kill me before the New Year, I swear.

  3. cooking isn’t your thing?. i like cooking but sometimes just don’t want to do it and end up feeding my family. speaking of which i need to start cooking now cuz i have to go to work tonight.

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