I participated in my very first public book-signing this past Sunday–a harmonic convergence of wish and fulfillment, of individual efforts and shared rewards.
The event was hosted by the Santa Monica Barnes & Noble at the 3rd Street Promenade. An extraordinary venue by any measure, it’s the cornerstone of a trendy outdoor mall near Los Angeles, where fitting in counts for something but self-expression matters more. We strolled past the dinosaur topiaries at the south entrance, nudged our way past street performers and puppeteers. And as we made our way to the far end of the Promenade, I marveled about how far I’d traveled in my lifetime–me, the daughter of an itinerant preacher, the perpetual newcomer who now found herself included on a panel of best-selling authors, scheduled to speak about an issue that matters a great deal to all of us.
When we neared the far end of the promenade, I caught a glimpse of the giant marquee. BARNES & NOBLE, it read, and it was about that time that the autumn fog finallly lifted. I admired the book displays in the polished windows…and then the poster came into view. There it was: the cover image of DEAR BULLY, and above that, a list of authors. Five names, in bold-face font, and one of them was mine!
The door swung open. “I’m Shane, the community relations manager," said a man with a badge. “Are you one of the authors?” I suspect he already knew the answer. Clue one: my husband was snapping pictures like a paparazzo. Clue two: I was beaming like nobody’s business.
In this picture, Shane’s introducing our panel. On his left: Nancy Holder, Amy Koss, me, and Jessica Brody. Lauren got held up in traffic, but she arrived shortly after. (If you look closely, you might be able to see our Circle of Caring bracelets. The authors wore them, and so did Shane.)
We took turns reading our stories– five unique voices, speaking to a common theme. Full disclosure (somewhat obvious in this picture): I choked back sobs at the end of my story. I was a little upset at myself for doing that, but If you’ve already read “Luz,” you might understand why.
After the readings, we took questions from the audience. They were thoughtful and sincere, and I did my best to answer in kind. The most challenging question, at least for me, came from an aspiring YA author. “What’s your favorite writing tip?” she asked. I soaked up the insights that everyone so generously shared, but as my turn grew nearer, I lowered my eyes and bowed my head. Who am I, to answer her question?
My eyes landed on DEAR BULLY. Four bold-face words leaped off the back cover at me, and I knew with a certainty that this was my answer. "YOU ARE NOT ALONE." I read them aloud, for my sake as much as that writer's. The rest of the answer just flowed from there, so I'd be hard-pressed to recite it word-for-word. But to the best of my recollection, it went something like this: "Writing’s a lonely profession, and in that solitude, we writers tend to go a little crazy. Instead of treating ourselves with compassion, we sometimes bully ourselves into a very dark place. We wallow in worry, regret and recriminations, when we should surround ourselves with positive people, instead. Friends, family members, critique groups and other writers…like Luz, they offer us hope, encouragement, and light. So my tip–one that's also self-directed, by the way–is to post-it note these very words on your computer, in a giant, bold-faced font: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Four simple words, but in the very act of sharing them, I felt my heart grow three times larger.
Reflected light: Jessica's listening to an audience member; I'm hugging Cynthia Williams, the Eureka Director for Girls, Incorporated of Orange County
Everything sounds perfect, from the welcome, through the choked-down sob, to the answer, and the hugs. Wish I could have been there, but am grateful for this account — and thank your husband for the pictures!
Re: wow!
Beth (II’m guessing this is you because of your comments on FB)~Thanks for providing us with Circle of Caring bracelets, which symbolize this project in so many wonderful ways. xo
Sounds like a wonderful event!
It was, and I’m beyond grateful to have been included. (Thanks for stopping–seeing your smiling face here helped make the experience even better.)
Melodye! It sounds like an amazing day! *hugs* You are an amazing person & you are definitely not alone! *more hugs*
((Hugs you back, repeatedly)))
I’ve been kvelling for you, Julia, as your writing journey proceeds in so many positive ways, and I’m thrilled that you stopped by to share my little moment of joy. Thank you for the continuous reminders that I’m (we’re!) not alone. xoxo
Love you, too!!!
So cool, Melodye! You are definitely not alone!
Nor are you, my friend. I’m so very grateful for your kindnesses, and I feel incredibly lucky that you’re willing to share this journey with me.
What a powerful book. I haven’t read it yet, but think I will have to do so in small bites. Thank you for sharing your story.
I’m with you on that…I’ve not yet read it cover-to-cover, mainly because I need time to process each story on its own. I’d be thrilled to hear your thoughts, after you’ve read it.
I think your experience and openness has been a blessing to everyone who reads the book and those who worked on it with you 🙂
Thank you, Robin. It’s been a long process, this learning to open up about all that’s happened to me, but so very worthwhile. Your friendship is one the many gifts it’s brought my way, and I’m so grateful to you for all the help & encouragement you’ve given me as I’ve learned how to tell my story.
Joyful noise, indeed! HUGE Congratulations, Melodye! I’m so glad it was such a magical event!
Thanks so much! I’m still living in the afterglow of that experience, and am looking to another book event next week. In some small way, I’m learning what it means to be an author, and I appreciate so much that you’ve allowed me/us to follow your (amazing) journey, by way of example.
Lovely. Am thrilled for you, proud of you, and grateful to be in the anthology with you.
And it was fun! Great to meet you!
Amy G Koss
Re: Bully
It was tons of fun to meet you, Amy! I loved your reading so much!
How ironic (in all the best of ways) that we sat next to one another on that panel…the one-time wolf and lamb, in peaceful accord. 🙂
Congrats on what sounds like a very moving and successful event! You and the other authors are very brave sharing your inspiring stories. Hugs and chocolate sprinkles.
I wasn’t expecting that we’d be reading our stories (I had a very short presentation at the ready)! But wow, the power and privilege of hearing everyone’s stories firsthand…it was incredibly moving.
And no less rewarding is that I got to share the experience with you afterward. Thanks so much for the hugs and chocolate sprinkles. *hugs you back*
Sounds like a very successful event in many ways. So happy for you! And so happy to know you. You are always inspiring to me.
It’s my privilege to know you, AM! You’re a constant friend, which is a rarity these days, and while I can’t remember the circumstances that brought us together in the first place, I can’t imagine life without you now. xoxo
We have to meet in real life someday!
And I believe, beyond any shadow of doubt, that we will.
(Wish you lived closer…we have a DEAR BULLY book event at Vroman’s next week, and the author line-up is amazing. Check it out on FB)
Melodye, dear, my copy of Dear Bully has finally arrived, and I was so moved by your ‘Luz’ — no wonder you had to choke back sobs! Such a powerful story. And the wise words you chose for your answer are powerful, too.
My eyes are wet as I type this…My friend (and second mom) Posy used to start our conversations with “Melodye, dear…” 🙂
I’m humbled by, and grateful for, your words about “Luz.” She showed up in my life when I needed her most, and while it was difficult to write (like saying goodbye all over again), I’m so glad you enjoyed reading about her. xoxo
I wish so much I could have been there in person but this accounting brought me very close. You words, written and spoken, always come from the heart and carry much wisdom, and I’m grateful your voice is being heard.
I wish so much that you could’ve been there in person, Tracy, but believe you me, I carried you close to my heart. Your gentle words of encouragement and advice, plus your persistence and courage…they helped get me through the tremblies when I first walked in that door. xoxo
Plus, you had your mate there as the most supportive paparazzi ever!
Congratulations, again, Melodye.
Absolutely! I was lucky to have a paparrazo AND posse at my side. 🙂
(My voice teacher came, too, as did my husband’s best friend.)
Sounds (and looks!) like such an amazing night. I am so happy for you! 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing the experience with me! I’m grateful for all the times you’ve helped nudge me along, and believe you me, I recognize (from a deep place in my heart), the many ways in which your friendship helps carry me forward. That’s the magic of friendship, isn’t it? 🙂
What a wonderful event! You look so engaged with the audience. No wonder people are drawn to you. Your story, like your life, is honest and emotional . . . nothing wrong with that.
Thanks for these sweet words of encouragement, Candice. What you’ve written here…it more to you than you might know. It was such a privilege, this opportunity to tell my story, and to learn from other people’s experiences, as well. In a broader sense, that’s a key reason that I enjoy connecting with you so much. You are so honest and true in your own writing, and I’m always tickled to see what you’re up to. 🙂
Congratulations on this amazing event. You were very brave to write your story in the first place, and then to have the presence of mind to read it aloud in public. I’m in awe. Honored to know you :).
You are very sweet to say this, Jama, when it is I who am honored to know YOU. I’m in awe of your writing, your creativity, your panache…I’d say more, but I’ve not got enough letters in my alphabet soup. xoxo
yAYYY MELODYE!!!! You so deserve and earned this! *hugs*
Oh Mandy, thank you!! You’ve just dropped a million dollars in my (not Prada) handbag. 🙂
*hugs you back*
I got choked up reading your answer to the question, and seeing the photos.
Great job.
Thanks so much for your supportive words…even in choking up, we’re not alone, lol!
I’m still beaming. (And yeah, tearing up a little, now and again.)
Melodye, this is just such a beautiful and inspiring story. I’m so sad that I wasn’t able to make it for your panel but I am just thrilled beyond words for you that you got to participate, to share your story and show so many people what an amazingly strong, generous, kind and beautiful soul you are. I truly am thankful and honored to know you and think the absolute world of you. Thank you for being so great… thank you for simply being you! You truly are an inspiration, my friend.
Aw, now you’ve got me all choked up again, Kevin!! I do wish that you’d been there, and hope we’ll be able to meet up again really soon.
Oh hey, we’ll be at Vroman’s next Wednesday…check out this link for details:
I love that you’re making the tour… I think that is so wonderful. People should hear your story and I’m glad they are getting the opportunity to! I will definitely try to make it next Wednesday! I’d love to be able to get together with you again very soon too!!!
Sounds like a wonderful event! Congratulations! I’m slowly making my way through Dear Bully (what an incredible collection) and your story is one of the first that I read – very powerful. Thank you for sharing your experiences so that your readers do not feel like they are alone.
First…Thanks for buying DEAR BULLY, and for help support this very worthwhile cause. And also? I am so grateful for your very kind words, which help me realize anew that I am not alone. None of us is, thank goodness. xoxo
Congrats, Melodye! This sounds like a wonderful event. How thrilling to see your name on that sign as one of the authors! I’m really looking forward to reading DEAR BULLY.
Thanks, Jessica! I’ve followed (and admired!) your author’s journey for a long while now, and boy howdy, it feels amazing to be able to take the next step forward on that path. Thanks for inspiring me, for encouraging me, and for supporting DEAR BULLY in the process.
Yay Melodye!! Looks like a fabulous afternoon. And I LOVE your writing tip!!
Congratulations!! I just saw this and when I read about what you said to the aspiring YA author you made me cry. I will remember that. You’re not alone!
You’re brave for doing all this and I admireyou a lot!
Congratulations!! I just saw the post and when I read about what you said to the aspiring author you mad eme cry. I hve to remind myseld of this: I’m not alone.
You’re a very brave person and I admire you a lot!
You are not alone, Anabel, not by any means. I’m proud to stand beside you, and am grateful for the gift of your friendship. You bless me in more ways than you know, and I hope someday to return the favor. ((Hugs))
Oh Melodye, what a beautiful answer straight from your wise heart. Hugs and congratulations to you!
Thank you so much, Lorraine. I searched my brain for pearls of wisdom I’ve collected over the years, but when my turn came to speak, it was the only answer that made sense to me, heart and soul.
*hugs you back, holding you tight*
What a great way to answer the question. I know you had the right answer because you are not alone. In our deepest times of trouble or pain, all we need to do is look around and open our eyes and we can see that we are not alone. Many friends are there waiting for the call. All one has to do is simply have a caring heart as I know you do. There will be many more of these times to tell your story.
You have been there for me, on so many occasions, PapaDan. Thanks to you, I’ve never felt alone.
And may I just add that your last sentence makes the tears roll down my cheeks. For a long while now, I’ve carried a wish within my heart that it would be so, and after that book event, I’m seeing that dream come true. I’m grateful.
Awesome, awesome, awesome! xx
Thanks, Jeannine! I couldn’t have said it better. 🙂
Hey, are you having any DB events in OH?
There’s nobody around me. 🙁
Oh my goodness…that just made me choke up. What a wonderful gift you’ve given to be able to touch people in so many ways. I can’t wait to read your story and everyone else’s.
And BTW, this might not mean much coming from a non-fashionista like myself, but I love your sweater 😉
I hope you’ll enjoy the stories in DEAR BULLY. So many unique voices & stories…
Btw; I got the sweater at Nordstrom. The belt, too, and pants. Don’t ask me why, but I made a day-before-the-event expedition to my closet, during which I realized that aaaaaargh! I had nothing to wear! Oh, the panic. But that store came through for me, tailoring included, as they are wont to do. In a nutshell: Nordstrom is my go-to place from now on. 🙂
I’m such a sap. Seriously, my eyes well up all the time. Like right now, as I’m reading your kind words. ((hugs))
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