1. OMG*

    I haven’t seen one of those in…well…decades. I think the last time I saw one was at the First Baptist Church in San Francisco. Don’t remember the exact address, but it was around the corner from the old Jack Tar Hotel on Geary. Beautiful old church.

    As for the artwork, give me a clue what you envision,and I’ll send you a couple of ideas.


    *Oh, My Gosh.

    • Re: OMG*

      Sent you an email before I left for the desert…did you get it?

      These were church staples, I think–at least in Protestant churches of yore. And mine arrived while I was in the desert. Perfect timing, no?

      Next project: figuring out how to restore the church bulletin display box, without sacrificing any of its antique charm.

  2. I’m sure you have artistic friends who could help you do a mock cover, but I think it’s an excellent project for *you* to do.

    I’ve created my own mock covers, using collage. It was fun and inspirational. Sometimes I use one of them as my computer’s wallpaper.

    • I’d like to have an “official,” as well as a personalized (collaged) cover. One will give me a visual of the final product, one to remind me to enjoy the process.

      Have you ever posted your mock-up covers on LJ? I’d love to see them…

  3. Ha! We had those at my (Catholic) church back in the day, too.

    Apropos to nothing, this reminded me that my grandmother STILL religiously (har) pins the church bulletin to the bulletin board in the guest bedroom every week (or is it month?). When we were planning my grandfather’s funeral we were in such a daze that we forgot the Internet was at our disposal and milled around looking for the church’s phone number when suddenly my cousin shouted “church bulletin!” and ran into the guest bedroom to retrieve it.

    • Really? I thought they might be a uniquely Protestant phenomenon. See, we learn something from each other every day.

      I love that story! I’m sorry that your grandfather passed away, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that…well, your church bulletin story is a delicious slice of life.

    • How are you doing, Lorraine? Will you join me for some tea, perhaps do a little writing with me today? (Please oh please, I’ve missed you so!)

      • I’ve missed you too! I’ll be here for tea tomorrow morning…how about you? I’m so glad you’re feeling re-energized with your writing. 🙂

  4. Fabulous find! And what a great idea for inspiration. Along with your mock-up cover you can put in notes and photos, making it a real working piece.

    • I feel as if it was meant to be mine. I mean, really, I hardly ever check eBay–maybe once or twice a year. But I got on to see if there were any gospel-style tambourines available, and what shows up in my search but a church bulletin display box. What are the odds of that?!?


    • I feel as if it was meant to be mine. I mean, really, I hardly ever check eBay–maybe once or twice a year. But I got on to see if there were any gospel-style tambourines available, and what shows up in my search but a church bulletin display box. What are the odds of that?!?


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