It was a spectacular afternoon! Shane, the customer service representative, helped smooth away this newbie’s jitters. And best of all, I connected with a lot of new writer/reader friends. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?
Look at that!!!! I’m jittery with excitement for you, Melodye. How very cool. I really wish I could’ve been there to share in the wonder of it all and to hear you speak about that painful yet uplifting time of your life.
Is that Mr. Newport recording the event for posterity?
It is, indeed! Good eye, Inknbeans. 🙂
His slacks look a little droopy in that photo, but I think it’s more the result of window glass distortion than anything.
Hmmm…does anyone say ‘slacks’ anymore? Besides the guy who does commercials for Men’s Wearhouse, that is?
In the UK, at least, slacks are what women wear. Men wear trousers.
I wish I could be there!! SO AWESOME!!!
I wish you could’ve been there, too!
(And by the way, I so relate to your latest blog post! The Eye of Sauron casts a long, dark shadow, doesn’t it?)
Yay, bet you all had a fabulous time!!
It was a spectacular afternoon! Shane, the customer service representative, helped smooth away this newbie’s jitters. And best of all, I connected with a lot of new writer/reader friends. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?
Oh, so cool 🙂
Cool to the millionth power! 🙂
So happy for you, M!
Thanks! It was a hibiscus experience, that’s for sure. 🙂
Can’t wait to hear more about it!
Looking forward to telling you all about it. 🙂
Now, that’s the way to spend a Sunday. Definitely cool.
It was a landmark event, at least for me. 🙂
Look at that!!!! I’m jittery with excitement for you, Melodye. How very cool. I really wish I could’ve been there to share in the wonder of it all and to hear you speak about that painful yet uplifting time of your life.
So. Incredibly. Cool. I wish I could have been there! 🙂
Yah for you! Can’t wait to see more pics and hear the details.
Yay! :>)
Well now sending Texas size “CONGRATS”. Know you had a blast but I fore see many more of Book signings for you young lady.