1. I still prefer LJ because the friends, commenting, replying, and notification features are superior to the other blogging platforms I’ve used. Sadly, I have not been able to follow most of the people who have left LJ.

    But I have added you to my Blogger feed list, so I can keep seeing your posts. I’ve been following you for so long, and always remember gratefully your help with the blog library challenge! And your posts always give me a lift.

    • I’ll be adding a subscribe feature to my blog, and you should be able to sign in using any number of other platforms. I’m really glad (honored, really) that you’re going to follow me over to my new blogging home. I admire your writing — enjoy your company so very much, and I’d mourn that loss something fierce.

      But you’re right: There was something special about our little LiveJournal community, all back and forth at a leisurely pace. Deeper and oftentimes more meaningful conversations that only come of lingering a long while together over tea and such, and settling in for the longer stories. I miss that, miss the old crew something fierce…Facebook is fun, but it’s just not the same.

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