1. I love all these colorful quotes, but my very favorite is Thich Nhat Hanh’s. In fact, I just wrote a story called Walking on Water inspired by a Sufi story that’s similar in feel to this quote.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Melodye. xo

    • I’m not surprised that it spoke to you, Lorraine. I like them all, very much, but truth be told, it’s my favorite of the bunch. I do like the one at the bottom, though. If you haven’t read WRITING PAST DARK, I highly recommend it.

      Would love to read WALKING ON WATER someday…I’m already liking it, from what you’ve told me. And that title alone… 🙂

      Wishing you a wonderful weekend, too! xo

  2. The quotes are wonderful, but the thing that speaks to me almost as much is the saying on the chair. I look at that chair, placed in the flower garden, and my first thought is, “Time to relax and smell the flowers.”

    Then my second reaction is that the phrase “Time Out” plus a chair in the corner is often used for misbehaving children who need to cool off for a while. 🙂

    • I bought that chair from Goodwill last year. I imagine it once belonged to an impish child, based on the green crayon marks, scribbled on the back. Ninja naughtiness–Ha, I love thinking that’s the case! And I also like that it invites me to breathe deep, to (as you said) relax and smell the flowers.

      Have a great weekend… xoxo

  3. Came over here from my reader (where I read your posts) to say that I love these all these quotes.
    I also still very much miss having a garden. *sob*

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