You'll want to hear Carrie Jones, Carolyn Mackler and Eric Luper talk about DEAR BULLY on NPR's Talk of the Nation! They did a fabulous job in the interview itself, and the callers' stories are at once courageous and compelling.
You can access the archived show on NPR's website, read the overview and comments, or download the podcast for later listening. But if you'd rather not click away from LiveJournal, just press the audio button below.
True confessions: I got misty-eyed several times during this broadcast. The magnitude of this issue–and the transcendent message of DEAR BULLY–really hit home when everyone gave voice to their own experiences. And when Carrie made mention of my story (at about the 24 minute mark), meep!! My heart was filled to overflowing.
Wow, how wonderful that the book is receiving this level of attention! I didn’t listen to the whole show yet, but I listened in and around the mention of your story and was impressed.
I was gobsmacked by the mention. In a good way, of course. 🙂
It’s gotten so much positive media attention–a very nice off-set for all the bullying events we’re hearing about these days. I’d love to get a copy into the hands of students, librarians and teachers…anyone who works with bullies and their victims.
Drat! One of the days I don’t listen to NPR and I miss that. Oh well…
At least I have the book to look forward to — I just ordered it yesterday from amazon. — PL
One of the days I don’t listen to NPR and I miss that…
Lol, isn’t that always the way it is? But take heart! You can listen to it online (above) and/or download podcast, if you’d like.
I’m glad you ordered a copy. Hope you’ll share your perspectives…